دور العمال فى بناء المجتمع
نحن منصة ثقافية بحثية تهدف إلى التنمية الذاتية المستدامة للفرد والشباب والأسر. نحن نعمل على نشر الوعي والسلام بين الشعوب من خلال نشر خواطرنا ومقالاتنا الفكريه الخاصه وأبحاث متخصصة. نحن نساعد على التطوير الذاتي والوصول إلى الثراء الفكري والمالي لتحسين الحياة وجودتها بالتخطيط الجيد وتطبيق نظريات حديثة.” ساعدت كثير من المتميزين حاليا
دور العمال فى بناء المجتمع
دور العمال فى بناء المجتمع
صوره من صور جرائم ذوى الياقات البيضاء مع تحليل لظاهره السلوك العدوانى
اعزائى الكرام.... عزيزاتى الكرام
مدارس المرافعه فى المحاماه وسعر وقيمه المحام فى سوق العمل.
نبدا مقالنا اليكم وفكرته حول فن المرافعه وكيف انها رفعت من قيمه سعر المحام سابقا وحاليا
وثانيا كيف ان المهاره والتطور الذاتى يميز ويرفع قيمه سعر الانسان فى سوق العمل ويزداد الطلب عليه
ونبدا حديثنا بمدارس المرافعه فى المحاماه فقد كانت تعتمد المرافعه وفنها على مدرستين مهمتين الاولى :- منها مدرسه التشكيك فى ادله الاتهام
والثانيه:- مدرسه الدفوع
فكانت المدرسه الاولى يعتمدفيها المحام على مهارته فى محاصره ادله الاتهام باثباته عكس تلك الادله بالمنطق ...ويجتهد فى حصار تلك الادله باثبات عكسها بالمنطق وعكس ادله الاتهام ..ولهذا كان المحام سابقا لا يجادل فى الادله عندما يجد ان ادله الاتهام ثابته فى حق المتهم فكانت مهارته باستخدامه اسلوب قوى فى فن التعاطف القانونى واستخدام طلب الرافه ...من المحكمه فكانت المرافعه نوعا من الخطابه ولهذا كان لها وجهان وتتميز بالبلاغه والفصاحه فكان يستمتع كل من كان يسمعها ويتهاتف عليها كل قريب وبعيد ليتستمع بفن البلاغه والفصاحه اللغويه من المحام.
اما المدرسه الاخرى :فكانت تعتمد على محاصره المحام لادله الاتهام بالدفوع القانونيه وكانت تعتمد على قدره ومهاره المحام فى استخلاص الدفوع التى تتناسب مع ادله الاتهام للدحض بها ...ولهذا كان المحام يحاصر الاتهام بالدفوع ويجتهد حتى يدحضها ...
ومن هنا تحددت قيمه المحام بل وتحددت اسعار المحام فى سوق العمل ..بل ليس المحام الذى قيمته وسعره فى سوق العمل اللى اصبح يتم تحديدها بل كل انسان الان يتم تحديد قيمته وسعره بناء على مهارته وفنه وندرته فى سوق العمل ...
فاذا اردنا ان نحدد قيمه وسعر انسان الان علينا استخدام معيار مهم وهو مهارته ...
فاذا كان هذا الانسان فى سوق العمل يقوم بدور القليل من يقوم به وغير قادرين على القيام به مثله فان سعره سيكون مرتفع وقيمته ستكون عاليه..
وهذا المبدا اصبح الان هو اللى بيحدد سعر وقيمه الانسان فى سوق العمل ..فكل ما كان منك كانسان كتير وبيعملوا نفس عملك ...كل ماكان سعرك وقيمتك قليله..وكل ماكانت مهاراتك وخبراتك عاليه ونادره ولا تتوفر عند احد غيرك ..كل ما كنت مطلوب وسعرك غالى فى السوق ...
ولهذا شوف ايه المهارات والخبرات اللى عند الشخص اللى بيشتغل شغلانه بياخذ فيها مبالغ عاليه واتعلمها.
شوف الارقام اللى عملها وكسرها هذا الشخص واللى عايز تبقى زيه او احسن منه واكسرها .
مثلا تعتقد ان اشهر واحد فى العالم فى سوق العمل (ص) فكر يسيب عمله او شغله ويروح مكان تانى ..مش حتلاقى عليه منافسه ..ليه؟
ببساطه لان مهاراته وامكانياته نادره .
الندره عامل حاسم فى كل حاجه حوالينا حاليا...زى الالماس ..والفضه تماما.
علشان كدا ميز نفسك عن اللى بينافسوك فى سوق العمل ..ازاى؟
اتعلم لغات..خذكورسات...طور نفسك بالقراءة...اكتسب خبرات طول الوقت.
علشان تقدر تنافس فى سوق العمل وعلشان بعد كدا ماتشيتكيش ان سعرك وقيمتك قليله فى سوق العمل وما تشتيكيش انك مش لاقى شغل ..
الموضوع كله اصبح عرض وطلب ...وانت شوفت وسمعت ازاى من فن المرافعه اللى هى مهاره اتعلمها المحام ...قيمته وسعره ارتفع سابقا...علشان كدا اتعلم ان ازاى مهارتك وخبراتك تزود قيمتك وسعرك فى السوق ويبقى عليك طلب...تحياتى لكم.
المقال باللغه الانجليزيه مترجم لاصدقائنا ومتابعينا بالخارج
Schools of pleading in the legal profession and the price and value of the lawyer in the labor market.
We start our article with you and his idea about the art of pleading and how it raised the value of the lawyer’s price previously and now
Secondly, how skill and self-development distinguish and raise the value of the human price in the labor market and increase the demand for it
And we begin our conversation with the schools of pleading in the legal profession, as the pleading and its art relied on two important schools, the first: - including the school of questioning the accusation evidence
The second: Al-Dafou’ School
The first school was in which the lawyer relied on his skill in besieging the accusatory evidence by proving the opposite of that evidence with logic... and striving to besiege that evidence by proving the opposite with logic and the opposite of the accusatory evidence.. That is why the lawyer in the past did not argue with the evidence when he found that the indictment evidence was proven against the accused, so it was His skill in using a strong method in the art of legal sympathy and the use of requesting clemency ... from the court, so the pleading was a kind of rhetoric, and that is why it had two sides and was characterized by rhetoric and eloquence, so everyone who was listening to it and calling for it, near and far, enjoyed the art of rhetoric and eloquence from the lawyer.
As for the other school: it depended on the lawyer surrounding the accusation evidence with legal defenses, and it relied on the lawyer’s ability and skill in extracting defenses that were commensurate with the indictment evidence to refute it... That is why the lawyer used to surround the accusation with defenses and strive to refute them...
Hence, the value of the lawyer was determined, and even the prices of the lawyer in the labor market were determined.. Rather, it is not the lawyer whose value and price in the labor market are being determined, but rather every person now has his value and price determined based on his skill, art and scarcity in the labor market...
If we want to determine the value and price of a person now, we have to use an important criterion, which is his skill...
If this person in the labor market plays the role of few who do it and are unable to do it like him, then his price will be high and his value will be high..
And this principle has now become the one that determines the price and value of a person in the labor market..the more you are as a human being and do the same work...the more your price and value are low..and the more your skills and experience are high and rare and are not available to anyone else..the more you are Wanted and your price is high in the market...
That is why, see what skills and experiences the person who works in his job takes high amounts of money and learn it.
Look at the numbers that this person made and broke, and whoever wants to be like him or better than him, break them.
For example, do you think that the most famous person in the world in the labor market (PBUH) thought of leaving his work or occupation and going to another place.. You will not find a competitor for him.. Why?
Simply because his skills and abilities are rare.
Scarcity is a decisive factor in everything around us today...just like diamonds...and silver.
Because of this, distinguish yourself from those who compete with you in the labor market.. How?
Learn languages.. Khadorsat... Develop yourself by reading... Gain experiences all the time.
In order to be able to compete in the labor market, and not to complain that your price and value are low in the labor market, and not to complain that you cannot find a job.
The whole issue has become supply and demand...and you have seen and heard how from the art of pleading, which is a skill that the lawyer learned...its value and price have risen previously...that is why I learned how your skill and experience increase your value and price in the market and there remains a demand for you...my greetings to you .
You are a great person...created for something great
Dear valued ones
We learned from life what came...
His wisdom from the mouths of time tells us the wise
Dear gentlemen greeting
to all of you.
Today I will talk to you in English, and this is because we will learn to be distinguished and deal with the distinguished.
And I will tell you about golden rules, quoting one of the wise men, after this stage in which we are in life, and his salvation is over forty years of experience.
And the first rule is
Fascination brings problems because it comes from a shortage and a severe need. When you meet someone who provides you with the need you want, you become delusional and fascinated by him without thinking and clinging to this person, so take good care of him, because what begins with delusion and fascination will have severe consequences... When you find yourself caught in something and fascinated by it. Take a moment and think about this and tell yourself whether this is suitable for Yana or not...
And the second rule
Take care of what people say. What people say is one thing, what they do is another thing, and what they are convinced of is a third thing, so do not take it too seriously. Time reveals everything for what it is. If you want to understand, be patient, watch, and do not rush.
The third and most important rule
He stopped crying because everything is based on interests...we understood it. I never realized that work is necessary and necessary...and relationships are the ones that will make you take two or three steps that would have taken you years. Make friends and relationships and leave a good gesture in every place you go to with all the people. Not only the above... You don't know who will benefit when. you and
Fourth rule
Of course, anyone can be replaced..and of course, we understand that what resembles each other has a lot of it, and what has a lot of it has a cheap price. And that most people imitate each other and resemble each other, and every little thing that adds to your personality distinguishes you and contributes to being a very difficult person to replace, even if there is not much of you. ..And you will be a catastrophe for work, for relationships with girls, or anything else.
You must understand, my dear, that the one who wins the lottery goes to buy the ticket, meaning the destination... the one who did and thought is not like the one who sat watching... put yourself in the right place, at the right time, over and over again... believe me, the hook will wink... and you will see what You dream of it more and
more... Greetings.. and the truth of the wise.
مشاركة مميزة
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قصيده شعريه قال الشاعر صالح بن عبد القدوس شاعر شعراء الدوله العباسيه صل الكرام وان رموك بجفوة... فا...
Dear gentlemen greeting t o all of you. Today I will talk to you in English, and this is because we will learn to be distinguished and dea...
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله اهلا وسهلا بكم فى خاطره جديده والقواعد الذهبيه ....وكلمتين وبس النهارده حنتكلم عن موضوع بيشغل بال كتير من الا...