ezel.hardman@yahoo.com بصائر : فبراير 2023

You are a great person...created for something great

 Dear valued ones

We learned from life what came...

When the CD is empty, its price is cheap and often its value may be simple..this is not when it is loaded with things or full..its value and price differs according to what is inside it, so it may have a program or something trivial on it, so its value will remain as it is and you will add to it its price while it is empty.. It may be expensive, and its price remains high according to what is loaded on it..Look, for example, if it has a required program or people need it, it can reach its price to large numbers, so they request it, so I understand and know that what is inside you is the one who gives you value, not the external appearance, only the external appearance is possible Achieve it and achieve it too, easily and with simple or even reasonable numbers... But the highest, most expensive, and most valuable is what is inside you... Your value is your value that you will earn from what is inside you... Do you know what it means to gain it from what is inside you.. It means: You have a strong real faith By yourself, your value, and faith in our Lord.
- You have a dream and a big goal..Yeow, you must define your dream and goal that you want to seek, and walk towards it with steps, and let your faith fuel it.
- Keep your principles and noble values, because these are the ones that will be a credit for the rest of you..and it will achieve happiness for you that you will not see. And formalities..so you live happy, reassured and confident of yourself..because you are a great person...you were created for something great.

مشاركة مميزة

قصيده شعريه  قال الشاعر صالح بن عبد القدوس شاعر شعراء الدوله العباسيه  صل الكرام وان رموك بجفوة...                                        فا...