ezel.hardman@yahoo.com بصائر : مارس 2023

صوره من صور جرائم ذوى الياقات البيضاء مع تحليل لظاهره السلوك العدوانى

 اعزائى الكرام.... عزيزاتى الكرام

متابعى من كل مكان....تحياتى لكم فردا فردا ...
اقص عليكم اليوم موضوع مهم حدث معنا شخصيا...
فمنذ ايام تقدمت كاى زميل يبحث عن تنوع مصادر دخله للبحث عن عمل بمكتب لاحد الزملاء المحامين بدوله الامارات بالالتحاق كمستشار قانونى ..بعد ارسال السيره الذاتيه الخاصه بنا وخطاب به نبذه مختصره عن سابق خبراتنا ومؤهلاتنا ومهاراتنا المتواضعه على مدار اكثر من 23 عاما من العلم والعمل والتعليم ...وارفقنا الايميل الخاص بنا واتبعه رقم التليفون الخاص بنا واذا نحن منشغلين فؤجئنا برساله على رقم التليفون من خلال برنامج الواتس اب من تليفون غير معرف لدينا دولى من الامارات عموما تلك الرساله تحوى ملف تعرفنا عليه فوجدناه ملف قضيه جنائيه متدواله حاليا امام القضاء الاماراتى بمحكمه راس الحكمه باماره العين ومتعلقه بموكل خاص بالزميل الراسل لنا القضيه بين سيدتين تعدتيا على بعضهما البعض وكلا منهما نال من الاخر بالجرح والتهديد ...وطلب منا الزميل لكى يتم قبولنا فى مكتبه كمستشار معه كاختبار اولى لنا كما قال ان نكتب له مذكره دفاعيه وشفويه عن المتهمه الاولى التى هى موكلته ويطلب منا ان نتمحور على البراءه وافاض بمقوله ( عايزين البراءه ياريس) بل وطلب شرطا ان تكون المذكره مكتوبه ومرسله قبل السابعه من صباح اليوم التالى اى خلال 12 ساعه وهذا شرط على ان يتم المقابله بيننا زووم فيما بعد...عند هذا وانتهت الرساله..
ووقفت هنا لحظه وتمعنت فى فحوى رساله الزميل الذى يذكرنى بانه صاحب مكتب كبير وعريق وملئ بالمستشارين كما قال لى لاحقا..وكذلك انه كان يعمل فى جهه مهمه بدوله الامارات ؟ ذكرنى اختباره بسؤال؟اريدان يكون حاضرا باذهانكم جميعا نتوقف عنده وهو
هل عندما يتم اختبار او اختيار زميل للعمل كمستشار قانونى بمكان مرموق.. يتم اختياره باختبار بكتابه مذكره دفاعيه لقضيه متدواله امام القضاء حاليا؟ وماهو معيار القبول لقياس درجه الاختبار ؟وهل....وهل....هل؟ولكن
الهمنى الله بان ارسل رساله للزميل استكشف بها فعلا ان هذا الزميل يريد فعلا قياس مدى خبرتنا ..وهذا حقه...ام ان فى نيته غرضا اخر سيظهر لاحقا ...وبصفتنا متخصصين فى الجرائم المتعلقه بذوى الياقات البيضاء والتى نلنا عليها درجه الدكتوراه فى القانون الجنائى ...بدات الحاسه المتعلقه بالقانون تثار لدينا للاطمئنان ..وطالبنا منه اتعاب على هذه المذكره التى يريد ان نكتبها ونجتهد فيها لان تلك القضيه متدواله حاليا وسيرى مدى توفيقنا باذن الله.
وعند هذا ووقفنا ننظر رد الفعل ...فاذا بالزميل الفاضل يقوم بمسح ملف القضيه فورا ...ومن حسن حظه انها لم تمسح لدينا..بل وارسل لنا مقطع صوتيا يهجو ويصول ويجول حول مضمون انه يريد ان يعرف مدى درجه كتابتنا وان ما قمنا به معه اول مره يحدث فى التاريخ الاماراتى ومع شخصيه مثله...بل وهجانا بقوله ما قمنا به من تاليف مراجع بحثيه قانونيه مدرجه بالسيره الذاتيه الخاصه بنا ما هى الا شىء مفيد لنا نحن ولن تفيده هو وانها ليس لها اهميه فى العمل ...واستفاض قولا فى مقطعه الصوتى...حتى ادركنا ان غرضه اصبح يتجلى لنا بان غرضه ليس الاختبار كما يصرح..
ولهذا توقفت ؟واردت ان اوضح للجميع
لماذا يطلب زميل اخذ مجهود زميل اخر دون اعطائه حقه المادى وهل عندما يجتهد الزميل فى كتابه المذكره وينجح فى نيل حق للموكل هل سياخذ حقه كما اخذ زميله ام سيقول له الزميل صاحب المكتب شكرا وسوف نتصل بك لاحقا ...ثم يذهب الزميل للبحث عن مكتب اخر للانضمام اليه ويحدث معه ما حدث معنا وتفاديناه بحنكه من الله ...وتتوالى الضحايا ويرتفع المكتب بانه يبحث عن مستشارين ويقبل قضايا ياخذ فيها اتعاب من جهد زملاء باحثين عن عمل وهو يعرف كيف يوقع بهم تحت مسمى الاختبار ...بل ويصيح اسم مكتبه رنان ومرتفع فى عنان السماء...على اكتاف باحثين عن لقمه عيش ومصدر دخل جديد..ودون ان يكتشف احد كشفا لجرمه ولافعاله التى تعد صوره من صور جرائم ذوى الياقات البيضاء التى يصعب اكتشافها الا بواقع الخبره والحنكه ...وتاكيدا اكتشفنا بعد ساعه من الرساله المرسله لنا على التليفون المحمول الخاص بنا وبعد مطالبتنا باتعاب على المذكره التى نريد كتابتها له كاختبار وبعد مسحه الملف الخاص بالقضيه بانه عمل لنا بلوك ..وارسل لنا كلمه شكرا...وبهذا اكدا لنا السيد الزميل المرموق ان غرضه اصبح جليا واضحا ..بل زياده للتاكيد عند مطالعتنا لاوراق القضيه المرسله لنا لاحقا لاحظنا ان جلستها فى اليوم التالى اى صباح اليوم الذى يريد ان نرسل له فيها المذكره الدفاعيه وهذا ما جعلنا نتمعن فى دراستها بالتمحيص وجعلتنا نستلهم دوافعها والتى استثارت لدينا مقال اليوم الذى كنا نمهد له تحذيرا للزملاء الافاضل الباحثين عن العمل لياخذوا خذرهم ويحتاطوا من تلك الممارسات والافعال التى ظاهرها فيه الرحمه وباطنها السؤء...
ونعود لمالاحظناه فى ملف قضيه الزميل التى ارسلها لنا وهى ظاهره
السلوك العدوانى ..
السلوك العدوانى مفهمومه يدور حول انتهاك الحدود الاجتماعيه ويؤثر على العلاقات وله عواقب مهنيه واجتماعيه ..بل غالبا ما ينطوى هذا السلوك العدوانى على اذى جسدى ولفظى وقد يشمل الاكراه والتلاعب بالمشاعر سلبيا.
والسلوك العدوانى له عده صوره منها السلوك العداونى الجسدى والذى يشمل ( الضرب- الركل - اللكم-الصفع) واى افعال قد تسبب اذى جسدى .وهذا قد نلاجظه عندما يمارسه ( الاب مع اولاده- صاحب العمل مع عماله- ام مع الخادم والمخدوم).
ولايشمل هذا الاذى ...الاذى العرضى الذى قد يمارسه الصديق مع صديقه عندما يدفعه دفع غير مقصود اثناء السير فى العمل او فى مكتبه.
والسلوك العدوانى من صوره السلوك العدوانى اللفظى مثل ( الصراخ- الشتائم- الاهانات) وغيرها من الملاحظات القاسيه وغير اللفظيه التى تهدف الى التسبب فى الالم والضيق ومنها الكلام الذى يحض على الكراهيه ..
والسلوك العدوانى فى العلاقات ايضا ويهدف الى الاضرار بسمعه شخص اخر وعلاقاته ومن صوره( التنمر- النميمه- ايقاع الضرر بالاصدقاءمع بعضهم البعض)
ولهذا فالسلوك العدوانى قد نلاحظه فى الافعال العاطفيه والتفاعليه بين الاشخاص وقد تنطوى تلك الافعال على نيه محدده لايذاء شخص ما اوتدمير شىء ما ..ولهذا فقد يشمل اى تعبير غير مباشر عن المشاعر السلبيه والتى قد تشمل ( الامثله الشائعه- المعاملات الصامته - والتعليقات الساخره- اعاده توجيه اللوم)..
فكل ماسبق بينا ووضحنا ما استشفناه من واقع القضيه التى ارسلها لنا الزميل دون خوض فى العمق القانونى حتى لا نكون وضعنا دفوع لحلها له لكن ..لمسنا واقعا اجتماعيا حاليا قد نلاحظه ويتطور الى جرائم يعاقب عليها القانون وتتطلب منا توعيه لنا وللعامه بالتعامل مع السلوك العدوانى والذى قد يتطور الى عنفا الذى هو الدرجه العلى من السلوك العدوانى والتى قد تؤدئ الى فى نهايتها الى ايذاء او جرح او قتل اذا لم نتدراكه وقمنا بوقايه نفسنا وتوعيه الناس به ...ولاحقا باذن الله سوف نتحدث عن العنف وصوره وخاطره جديده وخبره جديده فى عالم جرائم ذوى الياقات البيضاء ...فاحذورا واعوا ...والله الموفق.
قمنا بترجمه المقال باللغه الانجليزيه لمتابعينا من الخارج تحياتى لهم
My dear esteemed.... my esteemed darlings
My followers from everywhere.... Greetings to you, one by one...
Today I will tell you an important topic that happened to us personally...
A few days ago, I applied as a colleague looking for a variety of sources of income to search for work in the office of a fellow lawyer in the UAE to join as a legal advisor .. after sending our CV and a letter containing a brief summary of our previous experiences, qualifications and modest skills over more than 23 years of knowledge, work and education ...and we attached our e-mail, followed by our phone number, and if we were busy, we were surprised by a message on the phone number through the WhatsApp program from an unidentified phone. Ras al-Hikma in the Emirate of Al-Ain and related to a private client of the colleague who wrote to us. The case is between two women who assaulted each other, and each of them harmed the other by wounding and threatening ... The colleague asked us to be accepted in his office as a counselor with him as a preliminary test for us. He also said that we should write him a defense and verbal note on behalf of the accused The first one is his client, and he asks us to focus on innocence, and he elaborated on his saying (we want innocence, sir). He even asked on the condition that the memorandum be written and sent before seven in the morning of the next day, i.e. Within 12 hours, and this is a condition that the interview takes place between us via Zoom later... At this point, the message ended..
I stood here for a moment and pondered the contents of the colleague's letter, who reminded me that he is the owner of a large and ancient office full of advisors, as he told me later..and that he was working in an important entity in the UAE? His test reminded me of a question? I want him to be present in all of your minds. We stop at him
Is it when a colleague is tested or selected to work as a legal advisor in a prestigious place.. is he chosen by testing by writing a defense memorandum for a case being circulated before the courts currently? And what is the acceptance criterion to measure the test score? And is it....and is it...is it?
God inspired me to send a message to the colleague, in which he really discovered that this colleague really wants to measure the extent of our experience..and this is his right...or is there another purpose in his intention that will appear later...and as specialists in white-collar crimes, for which we have obtained a doctorate degree in law The criminal... our sense of law began to be raised to be reassured.. and we asked him for fees for this memorandum that he wants us to write and strive for because this issue is currently circulating and he will see the extent of our success, God willing.
At this point, we stopped and looked at the reaction. Then the virtuous colleague erased the case file immediately. Fortunately for him, it was not deleted for us. He even sent us an audio clip satirizing and wandering about the content. He wanted to know the degree of our writing and what we had done. With him it happened for the first time in the history of the Emirates and with a personality like him... He even insulted us by saying that what we have authored of legal research references included in our CV is nothing but something useful to us and it will not benefit him and that it has no importance in the work... and he elaborated. In his audio clip...until we realized that his purpose became clear to us that his purpose was not to test as he declared..
That's why I stopped? I wanted to make it clear to everyone
Why does a colleague ask to take the effort of another colleague without giving him his financial right? When the colleague works hard in writing the memorandum and succeeds in obtaining a right for the client, will he take his right as his colleague did, or will the colleague who owns the office say thank you and we will contact you later... Then the colleague goes to look for another office To join him and tell him what happened with us, and we avoided him with God’s grace... Victims continue and the office rises. He is looking for advisors and accepts cases in which he takes fees from the efforts of colleagues looking for work, and he knows how to put them under the name of testing... He even shouts the name of his office loud and loud In the clouds of the sky...on the shoulders of those looking for a livelihood and a new source of income...without anyone discovering a disclosure of his crime and his actions, which is a picture of white-collar crimes that are difficult to discover except through experience and sophistication...and surely we discovered an hour after the message sent To us on our mobile phone, and after asking us for fees for the note that we want to write to him as a test, and after he deleted the case file that he made a block for us..and he sent us a word of thanks...With this, the distinguished colleague confirmed to us that his purpose became clear and clear..but more to confirm When we looked at the case papers, Mrs Later, we noticed that her session was on the next day, i.e. the morning of the day in which he wanted us to send him the defense memorandum, and this is what made us study it with scrutiny and made us draw inspiration from its motives, which provoked our article today, which we were preparing for as a warning to distinguished colleagues looking for work to take their precautions and take precautions from that Practices and actions in which the outward appearance is mercy and the inward is evil...
And we go back to what we noticed in the case file of the colleague that he sent us, and it is visible
Agressive behavior ..
Aggressive behavior in its concept revolves around violating social boundaries and affects relationships and has professional and social consequences.. Rather, this aggressive behavior often involves physical and verbal abuse and may include coercion and negative manipulation of feelings.
Aggressive behavior has several forms, including physical aggressive behavior, which includes (beating, kicking, punching, slapping) and any actions that may cause physical harm.
This harm does not include... the accidental harm that a friend may practice with his friend when he is unintentionally pushed while walking at work or in his office.
Aggressive behavior is in the form of verbal aggressive behavior such as (shouting - insults - insults) and other harsh and non-verbal remarks that aim to cause pain and distress, including speech that incites hatred..
Aggressive behavior in relationships as well, and aims to harm another person’s reputation and relationships, such as bullying, gossip, harming friends with each other.
This is why aggressive behavior may be observed in thousands
Highly emotional and interactive between people, and these actions may involve a specific intention to harm someone or destroy something .. Therefore, it may include any indirect expression of negative feelings, which may include (common examples - silent transactions - and sarcastic comments - redirecting blame)..
All of the above we have explained and explained what we discovered from the reality of the case that the colleague sent us without going into the legal depth so that we do not put forward defenses to solve it for him, but .. we touched a current social reality that we may notice and develop into crimes that are punishable by law and require us to educate us and the public to deal with aggressive behavior, which It may develop into violence, which is the highest degree of aggressive behavior, which may eventually lead to injury, injury, or killing if we do not realize it and protect ourselves and educate people about it...And later, God willing, we will talk about violence, its image, a new risk, and a new experience in the world of crimes. White-collar people...so beware and aware...and God is the conciliator.

مدارس المرافعه فى المحاماه وسعر وقيمه المحام فى سوق العمل.

نبدا مقالنا اليكم وفكرته حول فن المرافعه وكيف انها رفعت من قيمه سعر المحام سابقا وحاليا
وثانيا كيف ان المهاره والتطور الذاتى يميز ويرفع قيمه سعر الانسان فى سوق العمل ويزداد الطلب عليه
ونبدا حديثنا بمدارس المرافعه فى المحاماه فقد كانت تعتمد المرافعه وفنها على مدرستين مهمتين الاولى :- منها مدرسه التشكيك فى ادله الاتهام
والثانيه:- مدرسه الدفوع
فكانت المدرسه الاولى يعتمدفيها المحام على مهارته فى محاصره ادله الاتهام باثباته عكس تلك الادله بالمنطق ...ويجتهد فى حصار تلك الادله باثبات عكسها بالمنطق وعكس ادله الاتهام ..ولهذا كان المحام سابقا لا يجادل فى الادله عندما يجد ان ادله الاتهام ثابته فى حق المتهم فكانت مهارته باستخدامه اسلوب قوى فى فن التعاطف القانونى واستخدام طلب الرافه ...من المحكمه فكانت المرافعه نوعا من الخطابه ولهذا كان لها وجهان وتتميز بالبلاغه والفصاحه فكان يستمتع كل من كان يسمعها ويتهاتف عليها كل قريب وبعيد ليتستمع بفن البلاغه والفصاحه اللغويه من المحام.
اما المدرسه الاخرى :فكانت تعتمد على محاصره المحام لادله الاتهام بالدفوع القانونيه وكانت تعتمد على قدره ومهاره المحام فى استخلاص الدفوع التى تتناسب مع ادله الاتهام للدحض بها ...ولهذا كان المحام يحاصر الاتهام بالدفوع ويجتهد حتى يدحضها ...
ومن هنا تحددت قيمه المحام بل وتحددت اسعار المحام فى سوق العمل ..بل ليس المحام الذى قيمته وسعره فى سوق العمل اللى اصبح يتم تحديدها بل كل انسان الان يتم تحديد قيمته وسعره بناء على مهارته وفنه وندرته فى سوق العمل ...
فاذا اردنا ان نحدد قيمه وسعر انسان الان علينا استخدام معيار مهم وهو مهارته ...
فاذا كان هذا الانسان فى سوق العمل يقوم بدور القليل من يقوم به وغير قادرين على القيام به مثله فان سعره سيكون مرتفع وقيمته ستكون عاليه..
وهذا المبدا اصبح الان هو اللى بيحدد سعر وقيمه الانسان فى سوق العمل ..فكل ما كان منك كانسان كتير وبيعملوا نفس عملك ...كل ماكان سعرك وقيمتك قليله..وكل ماكانت مهاراتك وخبراتك عاليه ونادره ولا تتوفر عند احد غيرك ..كل ما كنت مطلوب وسعرك غالى فى السوق ...
ولهذا شوف ايه المهارات والخبرات اللى عند الشخص اللى بيشتغل شغلانه بياخذ فيها مبالغ عاليه واتعلمها.
شوف الارقام اللى عملها وكسرها هذا الشخص واللى عايز تبقى زيه او احسن منه واكسرها .
مثلا تعتقد ان اشهر واحد فى العالم فى سوق العمل (ص) فكر يسيب عمله او شغله ويروح مكان تانى ..مش حتلاقى عليه منافسه ..ليه؟
ببساطه لان مهاراته وامكانياته نادره .
الندره عامل حاسم فى كل حاجه حوالينا حاليا...زى الالماس ..والفضه تماما.
علشان كدا ميز نفسك عن اللى بينافسوك فى سوق العمل ..ازاى؟
اتعلم لغات..خذكورسات...طور نفسك بالقراءة...اكتسب خبرات طول الوقت.
علشان تقدر تنافس فى سوق العمل وعلشان بعد كدا ماتشيتكيش ان سعرك وقيمتك قليله فى سوق العمل وما تشتيكيش انك مش لاقى شغل ..
الموضوع كله اصبح عرض وطلب ...وانت شوفت وسمعت ازاى من فن المرافعه اللى هى مهاره اتعلمها المحام ...قيمته وسعره ارتفع سابقا...علشان كدا اتعلم ان ازاى مهارتك وخبراتك تزود قيمتك وسعرك فى السوق ويبقى عليك طلب...تحياتى لكم.
المقال باللغه الانجليزيه مترجم لاصدقائنا ومتابعينا بالخارج
Schools of pleading in the legal profession and the price and value of the lawyer in the labor market.

We start our article with you and his idea about the art of pleading and how it raised the value of the lawyer’s price previously and now
Secondly, how skill and self-development distinguish and raise the value of the human price in the labor market and increase the demand for it
And we begin our conversation with the schools of pleading in the legal profession, as the pleading and its art relied on two important schools, the first: - including the school of questioning the accusation evidence
The second: Al-Dafou’ School
The first school was in which the lawyer relied on his skill in besieging the accusatory evidence by proving the opposite of that evidence with logic... and striving to besiege that evidence by proving the opposite with logic and the opposite of the accusatory evidence.. That is why the lawyer in the past did not argue with the evidence when he found that the indictment evidence was proven against the accused, so it was His skill in using a strong method in the art of legal sympathy and the use of requesting clemency ... from the court, so the pleading was a kind of rhetoric, and that is why it had two sides and was characterized by rhetoric and eloquence, so everyone who was listening to it and calling for it, near and far, enjoyed the art of rhetoric and eloquence from the lawyer.
As for the other school: it depended on the lawyer surrounding the accusation evidence with legal defenses, and it relied on the lawyer’s ability and skill in extracting defenses that were commensurate with the indictment evidence to refute it... That is why the lawyer used to surround the accusation with defenses and strive to refute them...
Hence, the value of the lawyer was determined, and even the prices of the lawyer in the labor market were determined.. Rather, it is not the lawyer whose value and price in the labor market are being determined, but rather every person now has his value and price determined based on his skill, art and scarcity in the labor market...
If we want to determine the value and price of a person now, we have to use an important criterion, which is his skill...
If this person in the labor market plays the role of few who do it and are unable to do it like him, then his price will be high and his value will be high..
And this principle has now become the one that determines the price and value of a person in the labor market..the more you are as a human being and do the same work...the more your price and value are low..and the more your skills and experience are high and rare and are not available to anyone else..the more you are Wanted and your price is high in the market...
That is why, see what skills and experiences the person who works in his job takes high amounts of money and learn it.
Look at the numbers that this person made and broke, and whoever wants to be like him or better than him, break them.
For example, do you think that the most famous person in the world in the labor market (PBUH) thought of leaving his work or occupation and going to another place.. You will not find a competitor for him.. Why?
Simply because his skills and abilities are rare.
Scarcity is a decisive factor in everything around us today...just like diamonds...and silver.
Because of this, distinguish yourself from those who compete with you in the labor market.. How?
Learn languages.. Khadorsat... Develop yourself by reading... Gain experiences all the time.
In order to be able to compete in the labor market, and not to complain that your price and value are low in the labor market, and not to complain that you cannot find a job.
The whole issue has become supply and demand...and you have seen and heard how from the art of pleading, which is a skill that the lawyer learned...its value and price have risen previously...that is why I learned how your skill and experience increase your value and price in the market and there remains a demand for you...my greetings to you .

مشاركة مميزة

قصيده شعريه  قال الشاعر صالح بن عبد القدوس شاعر شعراء الدوله العباسيه  صل الكرام وان رموك بجفوة...                                        فا...